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Chris Knight

Sacrifice - a word heavy with meaning, yet so profound in its implications. It's about giving up something we hold dear, for a loftier purpose or value.

“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.” - Jim Elliot

The story of Jim Elliot and his fellow missionaries, who forfeited their lives in an effort to reach Ecuador's Huaorani people, captures the concept of true sacrifice. Their story isn't just a historical account; it's an emotional reminder of the essence of sacrificial living.

Jim Elliot's profound statement resonates deeply, spotlighting the core of sacrifice - investing in the everlasting, rather than mere temporary gain. Their mission, though marked by tragedy, stands as a transforming legacy, showing how genuine sacrifices can leave indelible marks on generations.

This story pushes me to personal introspection:

What am I willing to sacrifice? Am I prepared to set aside my comfort, my security, for a cause greater than myself?

As I consider the sacrifices of biblical figures like Paul and modern-day examples like Elliot, I am forced to consider my priorities and the legacy I aim to leave. 

I encourage you to take time to consider the role of sacrifice in your life and how it is shaping (or can shape) the legacy you leave behind for the generations to come.

1 Thessalonians 2:1-20

I, Paul, am writing this letter. Silas and Timothy join me in writing.

We are sending this letter to you, the members of the church in Thessalonica. You belong to God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

May grace and peace be given to you.

We always thank God for all of you. We keep on praying for you. We remember you when we pray to our God and Father. Your work is produced by your faith. Your service is the result of your love. Your strength to continue comes from your hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Brothers and sisters, you are loved by God. We know that he has chosen you. Our good news didn’t come to you only in words. It came with power. It came with the Holy Spirit’s help. He gave us complete faith in what we were preaching. You know how we lived among you for your good. We and the Lord were your examples. You followed us. You welcomed our message even when you were suffering terribly. You welcomed it with the joy the Holy Spirit gives. So you became a model to all the believers in the lands of Macedonia and Achaia. The Lord’s message rang out from you. That was true not only in Macedonia and Achaia. Your faith in God has also become known everywhere. So we don’t have to say anything about it. The believers themselves report the kind of welcome you gave us. They tell about how you turned away from statues of gods. And you turned to serve the living and true God. 10 They tell about how you are waiting for his Son to come from heaven. God raised him from the dead. He is Jesus. He saves us from God’s anger, and his anger is sure to come.

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